Call For Papers
MENA – AIS is a chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS). It is the premier academic association for individuals and organizations who lead the research, teaching, practice, and study of different areas of information systems in the MENA region.
Every year, MENA – AIS organizes MENACIS, the Middle East & North Africa Conference for Information System, a regional conference affiliated with AIS.
Host: Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Finance and Digital economy (IRC-FDE), KFUPM Business School at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
There is an increasing awareness and expectation that the Information Systems (IS) community have a pivotal role to address grand challenges that include societal inequalities and environmental sustainability in developing and developed countries (Dennehy et al., 2021; Dwivedi et al., 2022; Harfouche et al., 2022; Tarhini et al., 2022). These grand challenges can be categorised as (i) socio- technical, (ii) IS infrastructure, (iii) societal and ecological, and (iv) social and affective (Becker et al., 2015). Yet, there is a concern that the response from the IS community has been ‘dismal and at best marginal’ (Tan & Neilson, 2021).
MENACIS 2022 aims to bring together contributions from the IS community for the advancement of knowledge to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all members of society. We invite scholars, practitioners, and research students to present their research at MENACIS to be held at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Theoretical and empirical papers employing quantitative, qualitative, and/or design science are welcomed.
We invite you to submit completed research papers, and short papers (research in progress) to MENACIS 2022. The body of the submission (text, figures, tables, references, and appendices) should be stored in one single file and must use the MENACIS 2022 format. All figures and illustrations must be inserted into your Word.doc or Word.docx file as either JPG or GIF format (other formats or embedded graphic objects will not be converted to PDF correctly). Any submission that does not use this template or deviates from the formatting requirements will be rejected without review. Here is the template adapted from the ICIS.
Submission Guidelines:
• Authors should submit original, unpublished research papers. Submissions should not be under consideration for any other conference or journal outlet.
• Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Important Dates
- EasyChair system open for submissions: May 1, 2022
- Paper submission deadline: July 30, 2022 (extended)
- Notification of acceptance (rolling basis): August 30, 2022
- Camera ready submissions: Sept 15, 2022
- Doctoral Consortium/ Junior Faculty nomination: Sept 15, 2022 (extended)
- Notification of Doctoral Consortium/ Junior Faculty acceptance: Sept 30, 2022 (extended)
- Author Registration (Free registration for authors of accepted papers): October 15, 2022 (extended)
- Preconference workshops; November 16, 2022